About Us
Company Overview
Established in 2006, Genolution Inc. has been providing solutions toward a better life by focusing on the fields of molecular diagnostics and RNAi. Our core technologies to develop faster, more affordable, and higher through-put nucleic acid extraction platforms led to the development of the Nextractor® nucleic acid extraction instrument series and extraction kits; they were vital for our progress in the fields of molecular diagnostics, genetic testing, and life sciences research. Moreover, our double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) synthesis technology enabled us to equip researchers with large-scale dsRNA for gene expression studies and pest control product development.

Key Excutives
Genolution is operated by a team of individuals with different expertise to bring solutions toward a better life.

Giok, KIM
• CEO, Hoilbiomed
• B.A. in History, Korea University

Minlee Kim, Ph.D
• Senior Scientist, Samsung Bioepis
• Researcher, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
• Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular Developmental Biology, Yale University

Sanghoon Kim
• MA in Accounting, Dongguk University
• Director of Finance and Operation, Medtronic Korea